
Showing posts from June, 2022

For Cereal!

I love, the colorful, "Yoshi's Woolly World" for Wii U!  A very soothing defragler from the chaos of life. I found Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 has like, this brightly colored high-tech training minigame mode, reminding me of NES but newer and way more shiny. Postal for PC on G.O.G. is just like Army Men series I used to play as a kid. Phone game for android, BetaMax (sherbet plains) remixes Mario pretty uniquely.  I'll exit stage right, and leave this entry with that.  Peace out, playas!

Apache Swoosh Review

Apache Swoosh has dirty earthy hues on its gaming experience.  Heshi Evo's game is off the wall, but its not so challenging when you get used to it.  Astronauts get wiped out and tornadoes devour meteors.  Its a joust with time and space, a sort of sticky wicket under the silvery moon.  Some people complained that this game has crappy graphics, but personally I think the graphics ship well enough to give Apache Swoosh a timeless charm.  It's also pretty great that the soundtrack features Korn!

Landre Review

Landre came with much audience anticipation and smoking reviews.  This steamy game features a young Robert Pollan and his side kick Spark Harper.  Many people said a game with this much marinara couldn't be dampened by the tumbling graphics of the Nintendo Starfish but Dessert Rein studios neg to differ!  This game is hotter than an otter baby and once you start you won't have no quit in you.  Look out and poop that piggy in the basket!  😭   

HP Spectre Laptop RE-VIEW

 HP Spectre Laptop Review. When I opened up the box to my HP Spectre, I knew, good things were on my way.  Such as a vibrant display for  gaming.  I knew this computer was current FM!!          I was struck by a harpoon which my ex-girlfriend jousted into my cranium thus the headache.  Still I felt the initiative.               *               *               *               *               *               *               *               *               *               *               *               * Bottom line, this machine is great for gaming and creating music with. however PROBLEM, it also isn't The audio appears to go out or turn off unintentionally. I believe this is because it is a business machine, so perhaps business persons don't mind no audio or they are simply deaf.  Or to restrict interruptions of meetings. Some of my steam games don't work. N<M<ST< fuck the copper plate girl


not always retro.  the stars aren't in position for always retro.  can't do it.  not today. I cooked a delicious mac n' cheese yesterday and it was most excellent.  I also made a chili that is outstanding.  The movies these days, like Top Gun, are sometimes difficult to follow and/or understand.  Like remembering your password when you have a migraine, it takes a keen eye and a sure foot on this jetpack joyride we call life. - NA<M<SDe   'still hatechya